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    发表于 2010-4-19 11:49:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    李嘉诚 Li Ka·shing
    李兆基 Lee Shau Kee
    丘成桐 Shing-Tung Yau
    乌鲁木齐 Urumqi
    易经 I Ching
    痞子蔡 JHT中文姓氏的英文译法

    24 LEE (李,理,里 see Le, Li, Ly) note: biased, definitely includes the popular American Lee families.
    28 YOUNG (杨,杨,羊 see Yeung, Yang) include mostly non-Chinese
    30 KING (荆,敬,景,京,经 see Jing, Ging) include mostly non-Chinese
    86 LONG (囊,琅,琅,郎,狼 see NANG, Lang; 龙,隆 see Lone, Lung) include mostly non-Chinese
    144 SHAW (萧 see Siu; 兆 see Zhao; 邵,召 see Shao) include mostly non-Chinese
    182 LANE (连,练 see Lin, Lian) include mostly non-Chinese
    229 NGUYEN (阮 see Yuan) include mostly Vietnamese
    233 KIM (金 see Jin, Kam, Chin, Kum, Gam, Gum; 钳 see Qian) mostly Korean
    236 DEAN (典 see Dian, Din) include mostly non-Chinese
    245 DAY (戴 see Tai; 大 see DA; 邸 see Di; 代 see Doi) include mostly non-Chinese
    264 MAY (梅,枚 see Mui, Mei; 弭 see Mi, Mai; 弥 see Mi, Nei; 眉)
    273 LOWE (罗,罗 see Lo, Luo, Law) include mostly non-Chinese
    351 MANN (文,闻 see Man, Wen; 闵 see Min) include mostly non-Chinese
    352 MACK (麦,墨 see Mak, Mai, Mo) include mostly non-Chinese
    379 ROWE
    446 ROY (莱,来,赉 see Lai, Loi, Loy) include mostly non-Chinese
    459 WONG (王,汪 see Wang, Vong, 黄,黄,皇 Huang, Hwang)
    461 PARK (朴 see PU, POK) mostly Korean
    476 TRAN () mostly Vietnamese
    477 LAMB (see Lam) mostly non-Chinese
    542 LANG (囊,琅,琅,郎,狼 see Long, Nang; 冷 see Leng) include mostly non-Chinese
    588 KEMP (see Kam) include mostly non-Chinese
    636 ORR (柯 see Or, Ke, Ker) include mostly non-Chinese
    670 LEON (伦,轮,论,纶 see Lun, 蔺 see Lin) include mostly non-Chinese
    687 CHANG (张,张,章 see Cheung, Zhang; 常 see Sheung)
    698 BARR (巴 see Ba; 八 see Bat)
    713 BEAN (彬,宾 see Bun; 卞 see Bun, Bin) include mostly non-Chinese
    720 CHEN (陈,陈 see Chan, Chern, Can, Tan; 谌 see Sam)
    721 KERR (柯 see Ke, Ker, Or, Orr; 客 see Hak) include mostly non-Chinese
    746 KANE (阚 see Ham, 简 see Jian, Kane, Gan) include mostly non-Chinese
    756 MOON (门 see Men, Mun; 文,闻 see Mann, Wen; 闵 see Min) include mostly non-Chinese
    764 CHAN (陈,陈 see Chen, Chern, Can, Tan)
    769 KNAPP (纳 see Na, Nap)
    774 GAY (杞 see Gei, Qi, Kay) include mostly non-Chinese
    796 KEY (冀,暨 see Kei, Ji; 祁 see Qi) include mostly non-Chinese
    805 HOWE (侯,后 see Hou, Hau; 毫 see Hoa) include mostly non-Chinese
    810 YANG (杨,杨,羊 see Yeung, Young)
    862 LYNN (林 see Lin, Lam, Lim, Lum, 连,练 see Lian, 蔺 see leon) include mostly non-Chinese
    876 GUY (盖,改 see Gai Goi, Goy; 计 see Ji; 介 see Gai) include mostly non-Chinese
    925 HAHN (韩,韩,邗,罕,寒 see Han, Hon; 憨 see Ham, Hom) include mostly non-Chinese
    975 LE (李,理,里 see Lee, Li, Ly; 勒 see Lak)
    1000 VANG (王,汪 see Vang, Vong, Wong, 横 see Heng; 弘,闳,宏 see Hong) mostly Vietnamese Chinese
    1026 WANG (王,汪 see Vang, Vong, Wong, 横 see Heng; 弘,闳,宏 see Hong)
    1062 POLK (朴 see Park, Pu, Pok) include mostly non-Chinese
    1067 CAMP (see Kam) include mostly non-Chinese
    1069 DYE (戴 see Dai, Tai; 大 see DA; 邸 see Di; 代 see Doi) include mostly non-Chinese
    1088 LAW (罗,罗 see Lo, Luo, Lowe) probably include non-Chinese
    1111 GORE (果,过 see Gwo; 戈 see Ge) include mostly non-Chinese
    1172 JOHN (专 see Zhuan) include mostly non-Chinese
    1217 LAM (林 see Lim, Lin, 南,男 Nan, 蓝 Lan)
    1219 LOCKE (骆,雒 see Lok, Luo; 乐 see Yue) include mostly non-Chinese
    1230 ROE (see Rowe) include mostly non-Chinese
    1274 GUNN (管,莞,贯,灌,官,冠 see Guan, Gun) include mostly non-Chinese
    1275 HO (何,河,贺 see He; 毫 see Hoa, Hou)
    1280 POE (蒲,浦,溥,普 see Po, Pu, Pou) probably include non-Chinese
    1303 QUICK (see Gwik; 虢 see Guo; 郤 see Xi) include mostly non-Chinese
    1306 SINGH (see Sing; 盛 see Sheng; 成 see Cheng) include mostly Shik Indians
    1311 FINK
    1354 LUND (伦,轮,论,纶 see Leon, see Lun) include mostly non-Chinese
    1358 LAND (蓝,男 see Nam, Lam, 兰 see Lan) include mostly non-Chinese
    1384 CHUNG (钟,钟,宗,仲,终 see Zhong, Chong, Zung, 蒋,蒋, see Jiang, Chiang, Cheung; 丛 see Chong)
    1388 DICK (狄 see Di, Dik) include mostly non-Chinese
    1390 LEAL (刘,刘,柳,留 see Lau, Niu, Liou; 廖 see Liao) include mostly non-Chinese
    1417 PENN (潘,盘 see Poon, Pun, Pan) include mostly non-Chinese
    1429 FARR (花 see Fa) include mostly non-Chinese
    1434 DEAL (刁 see Diu, Diao) include mostly non-Chinese
    1447 LIN (林 see Lynn, Lam, Lim, Lum, 连,练 see Lian, 蔺 see Leon)
    1455 PHAM probably include non-Chinese
    1463 HAND probably include non-Chinese
    1508 KAY (杞 see Gei, Qi, Gay; 祁,岐,綦 see Qi) probably include non-Chinese
    1527 CHOI (蔡 see Choy, Tsai, Cai, 赛 see Sai; 崔 see Tsui) include many Korean
    1530 Lay (李,利,理,里 see Lei, Lee, Li, Le, Ly; 类,雷 see Lui; 履 see Lu) include mostly non-Chinese
    1555 GEE (朱,诸 see Chu, Zhu, 支,挚 see Jee) probably include non-Chinese
    1566 SHOOK include mostly non-Chinese
    1593 CONN include mostly non-Chinese
    1617 HAM (憨 see Han; 咸 see Xian) include mostly non-Chinese
    1624 KEEN (see Kin; 乾 see Qian; 建,坚 see Gin, Jian) include mostly non-Chinese
    1681 PACK (白,柏 see BAI, BAK, PAK) include mostly non-Chinese
    1728 KHAN (阚 see Ham, 简 see Jian, Kane, Gan, Kan) include mostly non-Chinese
    1731 XIONG
    1734 YU (余,庾,俞,谕,喻,鱼,渔,余,于,於,豫,遇,羽,御 see Yee, Yi, 虞; 汝,茹 see Ru, 郁 see Wat; 郁, 鬻 see Yuk)
    1745 DOW
    1746 CHIN (钱,千 see Qian; 金 see Jin, Kam, Kim, Kum, Gam, Gum)
    1778 KEENE (see Kin; 乾 see Qian; 建,坚 see Gin, Jian) include mostly non-Chinese
    1779 COON (管,莞,贯,灌,官,冠 see Guan, Gun) include mostly non-Chinese
    1789 WU (吴,吴,仵 see Ng, Woo; 胡,瓠,护,户,扈 see Hu; 巫,毋,武 see Mo; 乌,邬 see Woo)
    1864 MOCK (麦,墨 see Mak, Mai, Mo) include mostly non-Chinese
    1903 CHO (曹 see Chao, Tsao, Cao)
    1915 PARR (怕) include non-Chinese
    1958 LIM (林 see Lum, Lam, Lin; 廉 see Lian)
    1962 CHU (朱,诸 see Gee, Zhu; 楚 see Co; 璩 see Qu; 储,褚 see Cyu)
    2011 HUANG (黄,黄,皇 see Wong)
    2042 HONG (康 see Kang, 杭 see Hang; 弘,闳,宏 see Wang; 洪,鸿,红 see Hung; 香 see Xiang; Heung; 訇 see Gwang; 方 see Fang, Fong)
    2059 LIND (林 see Lynn, Lam, Lim, Lum, 连,练 see Lian, 蔺 see Leon) include mostly non-Chinese
    2061 HAY (黑 see Hak, Hei) include mostly non-Chinese
    2084 LI (李,利,理,里 see Lee, Le, Ly, Lai;黎,丽,厉 see Lai; 力,郦 see Lik; 栗 see Leot)
    2102 LY (李,利,理,里 see Lee, Li, Le, Lei)
    2117 DOE (杜 see Tu, To, Du, Tao)
    2126 TANG (邓,邓 see Dang, Deng; 唐,汤 see Tong; 滕 see Teng)
    2155 WATT (see Wat; 屈 see Qu; 郁 see Yu; 滑 see Hua) include mostly non-Chinese
    2194 SHAH (沙 see Sa, Sha) include mostly non-Chinese
    2259 GANN (甘 see Gum, Kum; 靳 see Jin; 干 see Gon; 艮 see Gen; 简 see Jian, Kan, Kane)
    2277 FAY (费 see Bi, Bei, Fai; 斐 see Fai, Fei) probably include non-Chinese
    2283 LINN (林 see Lin, Lam, Lim, Lum, 连,练 see Lian, 蔺 see leon) include mostly non-Chinese
    2286 HIGH (see Hai; 亥 see Hoi; 谐,解 see Xie; 奚 see Xi) include mostly non-Chinese
    2300 LIU (刘,刘,柳,留 see Lau, Niu, Liou; 廖 see Liao)
    2332 NG (吴,吴,仵 see Wu, Woo)
    2351 LAU (刘,刘,柳,留 see Liu, 楼,娄,镂,偻 see Lou)
    2390 WING (永 see Yong; 荣 see Rong)
    2401 KANG (康 see Hong; 抗,亢 see KONG)
    2421 HECK (客 see Ke)
    2460 CHENG (郑,郑 see Zheng, Zeng, 程 see Ching; 成 see Sing)
    2485 HAN (韩,韩,邗,罕,寒 see Hahn, Hon; 憨 see Ham, Hom)
    2509 JOY
    2526 COY (see Goy; 盖,改 see Goi, Gai)
    2527 BUNN (彬,宾 see Bean, Bin) include mostly non-Chinese
    2538 MARK (麦,墨 see Mack, Mai, Mo)
    2556 NGO mostly Vietnamese
    2572 TRUONG mostly Vietnamese
    2588 TAN (谭,谭,覃,谈,郯 see Tam, Tom, Hom, 陈 see Chen, Chan; 檀 see Tan)
    2591 KAHN (阚 see Ham, 简 see Jian, Kane, Gan, Kan) include mostly non-Chinese
    2605 WAY (韦,卫 see Wei, Wai; 魏,隗,危 see Ngai) include mostly non-Chinese
    2615 YEE (伊,怡,义 see Yi; 余,庾,谕,俞,鱼,渔,余,於,于,豫,遇,御 see Yu, Yi; 易,翼 see Yik)
    2686 VU (see Wu, Woo) mostly Vietnamese
    2718 NOE
    2736 JUNG (雍 see Yong; 容,戎 see Rong; 永 see Wing, 翁 see Weng)
    2894 FOY
    2906 THAO
    2915 PHAN
    2919 CHONG (庄 see Jong, Zhuang, Chuang; 崇 see Soong; 丛 see Chung)
    2925 CHOW (周,洲 see Chau, Chou, Joe, Zhou)
    2934 DO (杜 see Tu, To, Du, Tao; 多 see Duo)
    2990 YI (伊,怡,义 see Yee, 余,庾,俞,谕,鱼,渔,余,于,於,豫,遇,御 Yu, Yi; 易,翼 see Yik)
    3007 HEIN
    3027 SHINN
    3047 NEW
    3049 LO (罗,罗 see Law, Lowe, Lu, Law, Loo; 老,牢,劳,嫪 see Lou, Lao; 卢,露,路 see Lu)
    3207 LU (吕,吕,闾,旅 see Lui, 卢,露,路 see Lo, Loo, 陆,陆,鹿,禄,录,逯 see Luk; 履 see Lei)
    3375 MA (马,马,麻)
    3430 SHIN
    3465 HSU (徐,隋 see Tsui, 许,许 see Hui)
    3486 FONG (方,防,房 see Fang, Hong; 况,贶 see KUANG)
    3489 CHUN
    3509 LEUNG (梁,良,凉 see Liang, Liong)
    3525 PAK (白,柏 see BAI, BAK, PACK)
    3596 TAM (谭,谭,覃,谈,郯 see Tan, Tom, Hom)
    3660 SONG (宋 see Sung, Soong; 桑 see Sang)
    3672 CHEUNG (张,张,章 see Chang, Zhang, 蒋, 蒋, see Jiang, Chung, Chiang)
    3686 LAI (赖,莱,来,赉, see Loy, Loi, 黎,丽,厉 see Li)
    3687 JOE (周,洲 see Chow, Chou, Zhou)
    3768 KEE (see Kay)
    3788 ZHANG (张,张,章 see Cheung, Chang)
    3917 DANG (邓,邓 see Tang, Deng, Teng; 党 see Dong)
    3931 HWANG (黄,黄 see Wong, Huang)
    3967 LOY (莱,来,赉 see Lai, Loi, Roy) include mostly non-Chinese
    3986 TOM (谭,谭,覃,谈 see Tam, Tan, Hom)
    3997 WOO (吴,吴,仵 see Wu, Ng; 乌,邬 see Wu)
    4017 SAM (沈,岑 see Shen, Sum, Shum, Cen; 谌 see Chen)
    4213 TONG (唐,汤 see Tang, 董,童,同,仝,佟 see Tung, Dung, Dong)
    4349 SUN (孙,孙,宣 see Suen, Syun, Xuan)
    4402 CHAU (周,洲 see Chou, Zhou, Chow, Joe; 仇,秋 see Qiu)
    4447 HA (哈; 夏 see Xia)
    4497 KONG (孔 see Hung; 邝,抗,亢 see Kwong)
    4828 CHIU (赵, 赵 see Zhao, Ziu; 丘,邱 see Yau; 肖 see Hsiao, Xiao; 焦,椒 see Jiao, Ziu; 晁 see Chao; 谯 see Qiao)
    5281 CHA (查 see Zha)
    5337 KWAN (关,纶,官 see Quan, Guan; 钧 see Jun)
    5652 QUAN (关,钧 see Kwan, 全,权 see CHUAN, KUAN, KUEN)
    5755 CHAO (曹 see Cho, Tsao; 晁 see Ciu, Chiu)
    5882 CHING (程 see Cheng)
    5897 SU (苏,苏 see So, Sou; 宿 see Suk)
    5956 HU (胡,瓠,护,户,扈 see Woo, Wu; 虎,呼 see Fu; 忽 see Fat; 斛 see Huk)
    5982 LUM (林 see Lin, Lim, Lam)
    6028 LIANG (梁,良,凉 see Leung, leong)
    6353 LEONG (梁,良,凉 see Leung, liang)
    6406 CHOU (周,洲 see Chau, Zhou, Chow, Joe; 丑)
    6440 FUNG (冯,冯,封,丰,酆,凤,风 see Feng, Fong)
    6599 HANG (恒,衡 see Heng; 杭 see Hong, 幸 see Xing)
    6692 MAI (麦,墨 see MAK, MO; 弭 see Mei, Mi)
    6721 YUEN (袁,元,苑,阮,原,源,爰 see Yuan; 玄 see Xuan)
    6768 DEE (戴 see Tai)
    6946 TSAI (蔡 see Choi, choy, Cai)
    6999 TSE (谢,谢 see Hsieh, Sheih, Ze, Xie)
    7007 PANG (彭 see Peng, Phang; 庞,逄 see Pong)
    7015 KWON
    7147 HOM (谭,谭,覃,谈 see Tan, Tom; 憨 see Han; 咸 see Xian)
    7361 YAN (甄 see ZAN, YEN, Jan; 燕,鄢,言,延,印,偃 see Yin, Jin; 严,阎 see Yim; 晏,颜 see Ngan)
    7425 CAO (曹 see Chao, Tsao, Cho)
    7455 SENG
    7508 TO (杜 see Tu, Du, Do, Tao; 陶,涂 see Tao)
    7606 HUNG (孔 see Kong; 洪,鸿,红 see Hong)
    7638 TSO
    7868 TSANG (曾,缯 see Tseng, Zeng, Tzeng)
    8089 YEH (叶,叶 see Ip, Yip, Yap)
    8126 KO (高 see Kao, Gao, Gou)
    8233 TU (杜 see Du, To, Do, Tao; 陶,涂,屠,土 see tou)
    8284 KAO (高 see Ko, Gao, Gou)
    8331 YUN (云,恽,郓 see Wan, Won)
    8346 SIU (萧 see Siu; 兆 see Zhao; 邵,召 see Shao)
    8499 CHIANG (蒋,蒋, see Jiang, Chung, Cheung, 姜,羌 see Geung, Jiang)
    8527 SO (苏,苏 see Su, Sou; 疏 see Shu)
    8552 LUI (吕,吕, see Lui; 雷 see Lei)
    8560 KU (顾,顾,固 see Gu, 古,辜 see GOO, GU, KOO, KUO; 库 see Fu)
    8628 MONG (蒙 see Meng, 芒 see Mang)
    8878 SUNG (宋 see Song; 崇 see Chong)
    8937 FANG (方,防,房 see Fong, Hong)
    9010 LAO (老,牢,劳,嫪 see Lou, Lo)
    9119 HUA (华 see Wa, Wah, 花 see Fa, Farr; 滑 see Wat)
    9170 ZHAO (赵,赵 see Chiu; 兆 see Siu)
    9171 YEUNG (杨,杨,羊 see Yang, Young)
    9172 YEN (甄 see ZAN, YAN)
    9371 YUNG (雍 see Yong; 容,戎 see Rong; 永 see Wing; 翁 see Weng)
    9372 YIM (冉 see Ran; 严,阎 see Yan)
    9487 WAN (恽,云,郓 see Yun, Won; 患,环,还,宦 see Huan; 尹 see Yin; 温 see Wen, Won, Wun)
    9705 FAN (范,范,樊 see Fan; 昏 see Hun, Fun)
    9823 HUI (see Hsu 惠 see Wai, 许,许 see Xu, Hsu; 回 see Wui)
    9852 DAO (杜,堵,道 see Tu, To, Do, Dao, Tao, DU)
    9874 YUAN (袁,元,苑,阮,原,源,爰 see Yuen; 垣 see Wun; 玄 see Xuan)
    10011 YAO (姚,铫,么 see Yiu, Jiu)
    10080 FU (傅,富 see Fu; 苻,辅;虎,呼 see Hu; 伏,服 see Fuk; 库 see Ku)
    10160 SOK (索 see SUO)
    10215 HSIEH (谢,谢 see Tse, Sheih, Ze, Xie)
    10250 CHOY (蔡 see Choi, Tsai, Cai; 赛 see Sai)
    10268 ZHOU (周,洲 see Chau, Chou, Joe, Chow, Zau)
    10287 TAI (戴 see Dai; 泰 see Tai; 邰 see Toi)
    10453 MEI (梅,枚 see Mui, May; 弭 see Mi, Mai; 弥 see Mi, Nei; 眉)
    10540 XU (徐 see Hsu, Tsui, 许,许 see Hui; 须 Xu see Seoi, Shui; 续 see Zuk)
    10547 VONG (王,汪 see Wong, Wang)
    10565 SHEN (沈,岑,谌 see Sum, Sam, Shum, Cen; 申 see San)
    10748 KUO (古,辜 see GOO, GU, KOO, KU, 郭,国 see GUO)
    10749 KOO (古,辜 see GOO, GU, KUO, KU)
    11005 PAN (潘,盘 see Poon, Pun, Penn)
    11036 KWOK (郝 see Hao, 郭,国 see Guo Kuo Gwok)
    11061 HE (何,河,贺 see Ho; 合 see Hap, Hop, Hope; 禾,和 see Wo)
    11200 KWONG (邝,抗,亢 see Kong, Kang)
    11320 POON (潘,盘 see Pan, Pun)
    11380 GUM (金 see Jin, Kam, Kim, Kum, Gam, Chin 甘 see Gan)
    11417 AU (区,欧 see Ou)
    11424 YIP (叶,叶 see Ip, Yeh, Yap)
    11749 BAK (白,柏 see BAI, PAK; 伯,帛 see Bo)
    11757 ZHU (朱,诸 see Chu; 祝,竺 see Zuk)
    12065 DONG (董,东 see Dung, Tung, Tong; 党 see Dang)
    12164 PENG (彭 see Pang)
    12184 MAK (麦,墨 see Mack, Mai, Mo)
    12298 TSENG (曾,缯 see Tsang, Zeng, Tzeng)
    12503 TAO (杜 see Tu, To, Do, Du; 陶,屠,涂 see Tou)
    12599 JIN (金 see Chin, Kam, Kim, Kum, Gam, Gum; 靳 see Gan; 燕,延,偃 see Yan, Yin; 晋 see Jun; 战,展 see Zhan)
    12765 MUI (梅,枚 see Mei)
    12770 MENG (孟 see Mang; 蒙 see Mong)
    12814 JIANG (蒋,蒋, see Chiang, Chung, Cheung, 姜,羌 see Geung, Chiang; 江 see Gong)
    13044 HENG (恒,衡 see Hang; 横 see Wang)
    13538 DU (杜 see Tu, To, Do, Tao; 堵 see Dou)
    13620 TUNG (董,东 see DONG, Dung; 童,同,仝,佟 see Tong)
    13775 GONG (龚,恭,巩,贡,弓,宫,公 see Kung, Gung; 江 see Jiang)
    14052 GUO (郭,国 see Kwok, Kuo, Gwok, Keh; 果,过 see Gwo; 戈 see Ge, Gore; 虢 see Gwik)
    14055 GUAN (管,莞,贯,灌,官,冠 see Gun; 君 see Jun; 关,纶 see Gwan, Kwan)
    14139 YOU (尤,游,右,有,宥,邮,犹 see Yau, Jau)
    14280 KAM (金 see Jin, Chin, Kim, Kum, Gam, Gum; 琴,禽 see Qin)
    14509 POU (蒲,浦,溥,普 see Po, Pu, 抱 see Bao)
    14842 LUO (罗,罗 see Lo, Law, Lowe; 骆,雒 see Lok)
    14849 LEI (李,利,理,里 see Lee, Li, Le, Ly, Lay; 类,雷 see Lui; 列,烈 see Lit; 履 see Lu)
    14867 JUN (专 see Zhuan; 君,钧 see Gwan)
    15288 YIN (燕,言,延,印,偃 see Yan, Jin; 阴 see Yum; 尹 see Wun, Wan)
    15290 YE (叶, 叶 see Ip, Yeh, Yip, Yap)
    15345 SIN (单,善 see Shan; 先 see Xian, SEN, SEEN; 辛 see Xin, San)
    15399 NAM (蓝,男 see LAM)
    15619 WEI (韦,卫 see Wai; 魏,隗,危 see Ngai)
    15946 ZHENG (郑,郑 see zeng, Cheng; 征 see Zing, Jing)
    16063 MO (麦,墨 see MAK, MAI; 巫,毋,武 see Wu; 毛,冒 see Mao; 母 see Mu)
    16228 CHAI (柴 see Caai; 齐 see Qi)
    16360 TSAO (曹 see Cao, Tsao, Cho)
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